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In the world we live in today it can sometimes easy to be lost in the world of work and many of us struggle to find time outside of it to do things that we enjoy and gain value from. However, on the flip side of the coin if we indulge ourselves too much in hobbies and past times then we can easily fall into financial difficulty or develop mental health issues as a result of unemployment. In this article we will look objectively at the world we live in today and how best we can all achieve a good work life balance.

Finding The Right Role
Finding the right role is probably one of the most important things that we can do during our working careers. When you are in the right role typically you enjoy your work and feel motivated and fulfilled when you are completing you day to day tasks/activities. Although having said this there is no real “perfect job” scenario for everyone and many of us have to work in roles other than ones that we may originally have wanted to pursue. An example of this is especially common within the student population. Increasingly more and more students and graduates that are leaving education are finding that there is distinct lack of jobs and roles available that they can apply their specific skillset to.
This has led to many graduates taking up work in roles such as customer assistants in supermarkets as well as bartenders, baristas etc. Although this is paid work it often fails to provide enough hours or income for newly qualified graduates or school leavers to earn a decent wage with some left over to save. However, on the other hand an advantage of this type of role is the amount of spare time that employees may have to pursue other roles or spend productively by exercising or going to social event with friends.

Working Full Time
Similar to working part time, working full time is another demand of our working lives and comes it with its own unique positives and negatives. One of the most obvious and appealing advantages of working full time is the salary. Working full time means that employees have a much more significant take home pay than part time workers in a similar or equivalent role. There are some exceptions of course but generally speaking this is the case. A disadvantage of working full time on the other hand is free time. People working full time have significantly less time available to go on holiday or use as leisure time. This means that they may not be able to exercise as often or do as may activities outside of work as they would like to.

Overall Conclusion
To conclude overall it is clear that different methods of working have their own unique inherent advantages and disadvantages. What is clear is that an open approach to working which mutually benefits both the employee and the employer. Although this is not always possible compromises should be made by both parties in order to achieve the best possible result.